Monday, January 05, 2009

Life, friends, and academia.



Seldom do I write directly.

But I feel I have enough experience now

To do so

Without being unassuming.


You were wrong

If you ever thought

That this place was full of any meaningful people...

They're just normal, normal, incredibly, archetypically normal people, who seldom think about any intriguing or meaningful things, always engaged in simple trivial matters, regarding simple other people, what people "say", how they "look" and other extremely, extremely trivial things.

And this place is sadly FULL of such shallow, hyperordinary people.

I hate the voices of girls now. I simply hate it; their mouths seem to have been invented for gossip, no more no less.

I'm happy I'm not returning here; apart from the simple accommodation, everything else was completely crap; an antithesis to everything that I wanted, a stark contrast to my ideals, what I aspired for, what I like, what I value, what I feel happy about.

Mortal beings delight in mortal pleasures; higher beings delight in higher pleasures. I don't want to be elitist but this is how I feel, and what I feel is warranted thinking after observing these shallow beings for so long- that they have little, "higher" things to offer if any.

Normal, normal, incredibly normal people.

It's been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long since I've had a meaningful conversation about deeper things, about higher, grander things than triviality.

A mind is limited by its horizons; yet once expanded, it doesn't want to go back. This is how I feel - when I see these people with their petty, limited horizons...

Sad thing is, one can only have "meaningful" conversations with others whose horizons have similarly been expanded.


I donno, I just feel sad, and sorry too.
I miss an old friend I used to have, whom I could talk about things I liked with.

These people... are so far in between... like finding a jewel in miles of sand...


Now to my second... frustration:

What I'm studying.

It might be because I'm first year, or poor lecturers, or a combination of both.

The lectures just seem to be a waffle-fluffle about meaningless semantical blah-blah-blah with very few... "essence" if I should put it that way.

I like the hard sciences: physics. Chemistry. Mathematics.

Rigour. Logical brevity. little waffle-kaffafle... I loved that concept of elegance in mathematics, where brevity, simplicity, and grinding things down to their essence were treasured.

"Complexity", if any exists, should manifest itself; not tried to be "constructed" through waffling. Because... even as a student I can just simply see the so many flaws, sooooo many redundant yadda yadda, soo much meaningless effort to make things "PC", bureaucratic, etc. etc.

Strip away it all, man, strip it all away. I don't give a crap. Do they realise that so much things they say, are mere words?... so many so called "concepts" are mere labels that they invented which actually don't mean anything except semantical gibberish and a trivial attempt to appear more bureaucratic, and daresay, "academical", to the layperson?

Sigh, throw it all away. I don't want to learn gibberish.

I am sick of redundancy.

I am sick of incoherent, blatantly flawed logic.

I want to learn essence.


Things that are true and real whether you invent meaningless labels for them or not.

Please, give me some coherency in what I learn.

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