Sunday, April 20, 2008

To embrace solitude

What is true rebellion?

What is true innovation?

What is a truer life?


To embrace solitude.

To reject the dictation of society, on how we should live our lives... "socially".

Relationships. Social stuff. yeah, yeah, blah blah blah.

What if we don't want to?

Why should we? ...

Yes yes society labels us a loners, crazy people, people with mental illness, blah blah blah.


I believe, if anything is going to happen in the 21st century, it is the emancipation of THIS. That of the socially disillusioned. That of those that seek SOLITUDE. That of those who do not want to suck up to others socially, have meaningless conversations, etc. etc.

We have given the right of emancipation to slaves, to black people, to women, to homosexuals. I think it's about time, that they give that very intrinsic RIGHT to self-determination to US. WE are so excluded and finger-pointed that we don't even have a single label describing us. I"ll make up one. THOSE THAT SEEK SOLITUDE.

We live in such a socially oppressive world, a world that requires social conforming, a world that dictates us to have "relationships", a world that dictates us to play with others, a world that dictates us to blah blah blah socially.

Well I don't want to.

I don't want to participate in it. GO AWAY. Stop forcing me. Why should I?

It's no less illogical than describing homosexuals as mentally ill.
No less illogical than saying women were intrinsically born to serve men.
No less illogical than saying all black people are less human than others.
No less illogical than saying slavery is perfectly the way of nature.

Just think about it. Carefully.

It's called "socially prevalent attitude." Ultimately, behind it, there is little logic, no real meaning or anything. It's just customs, what we're used to. Once upon a time people simply acquiesced to the above tenets because THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE WAS THINKING AND THEY DIDN'T WANT TO BE LEFT OUT!!!

Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic, people. Prejudice, prejudice, prejudice.

I wish not to partake in it. This cacophany of meaninglessness.

Laters, and please leave me alone.

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