Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I am so used to the bull#!$!$ that is life

Experiences have taught me few things. Life has taught me few things. Here's what they are.

Always expect the world to be unfair.
Always expect for things to go against your way.
Never expect to be rewarded for effort.
Your genes, race and upbringing matter more than whatever else you try to be in life.
Some things are just impossible for some people. Period.
Don't bother beat against a brick wall. Don't try to live an impossible dream.
If things can go wrong, it will, in the worst way possible.
There is no point in life, there is no point in doing anything. It's all a farce, it's all a construct made of thin air and bubbles, which mean nothing.
Everyday life is just a series of things going wrong.
Expect life, the world, everyone, and yourself to be cruel to you.
No one likes you.
Nothing will go right in life. The dream of a peaceful, understanding, fair, happy-go-lucky world is just that - just a dream. It's unrealisable, because of what humans are and what this world is.
As an individual, your "decisions" of "free will" mean !$!$@. They don't really make a difference. What matters more is you getting pushed around by the forces of this crappy world. You can't fight it. You vs. the whole world that's against you. Some odds there.

I donno, that kind of made me feel better. Just describing the truth about this world.

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