Friday, February 04, 2011

Letting your true self shine through

For a long while I thought what I needed was “change”, that is, that I myself was inadequate to be who I was, hence what I needed to do was become another person.

I have recently realised that is not the case – if anything, it was I who had shielded myself from truly shining through. It’s like I have this burning fire within, my “true self”. However, I tried to hide it from the rest of the world.

But it is when we sometimes witness the “rays” of our true self shining through, beyond the blankets we have imposed upon it ourselves –

That we realise, the answer does not lie without

But within.

Let’s take the example of a seed. Would we say that the seed “changes” into a tree?

No. We say it grows into a tree. Nothing intrinsic has changed about that seed. Everything – the whole potential of that tree – was contained within that seed. The seed never “changed” – it simply manifested what was hidden within. It became itself, in the fullest sense of that word.

So often we believe we’re simply at odds with this world, that we need to “change”. We so often wish we could be another person. Yet the answer is actually the complete opposite. We have to become ourselves.

Let the light inside you shine through. Grow! Flourish! Unleash the truest potential inside you. No one is asking you to change – we’re simply asking you to become who you really are.

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