Friday, September 04, 2009

On love

Today I shall write on the subject of love, something distinctively rare in this world.

In a world of criticism

In a world that tells you that you’re always doing it all wrong

In a world where your life is not worth living

In a world that is so unliveable

In a world where you are no longer a person

In a world where you’re nobody

In a world where you don’t exist

In a world where everything goes wrong

In a world you cannot change

In a world that is all about bringing others down

In a world about living at others’ expense

In a world where you can never be comfortable

In a world where one can never find solace

In a world where one is always alone

Love – love …. Means a lot. It means a lot. It means the world. It means everything.

What I want is simple.

I just want someone to truly care about me.

I just want someone to tell me –

That despite this sick world we live in – that despite all those misgivings –

That there is hope.

That in a world where everything goes wrong –

That at least one thing could go right

What more can I want; what more can I want…

One thing going right would satisfy me.

I want to feel like I exist in this world.

I want to feel as if my existence matters – not just some “thing” that’s a waste of space that no-one could care less about.

I’ve just realised –

I am so alone… so alone… so… alone. No one cares about me.

Love is a simple thing.

It’s a simple thing.

It’s simply about caring about people.

It’s telling them that they’re more than just junk made up of assembled organic matter.

It’s telling them that they’re beautiful… they’re beautiful… NOTHING could replace them… nothing in this world…

Regardless – regardless of everything –

What their life has been like, what their environment has been like, whatever, whatever…

Don’t JUDGE... just LOVE.

Just LOVE. Just LOVE.

For EVERYONE deserves love. No matter who they are. No matter who they are. Just never forget this.

Anyone can love their brothers, or friends. That is not love. That is SO not love.

Why did Jesus tell us to love our enemies?

Because EVERYONE deserves LOVE.

For people are SO much more… than our EXPECTATIONS and ASSUMPTIONS of them…

They are so much more… so much more… who are we to judge? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. You can’t JUDGE a person. That is the basis of all hatred, all enmity in this world – and of course – the lack of “love”.

It is not that we do not love.

It is that we JUDGE most people not to be “worthy” of our love.

When you love someone

You love everything about them.

You love their scars – you love the marks of tear and wear upon their souls

You love everything they have gone through

You love… embrace all that they have suffered

You love them for who they are

The prodigal son… suddenly I understand.

He is in dire need of love

Who are we to deny it…

Love is not about selectively nit-picking what we think are the “good” bits about another person and then loving those, whilst turning a blind-eye towards “bad” things.

For those things change. “Good” things pale, “bad” things may turn even more sour.

No, no, no!!

You love someone for ALL that they are – deformities and all – and EMBRACE it. You love them because they – as a person, deserve love – no matter who they are.

And trust me,

They will be SHOCKED.

They will be shocked at such expression of true love, of an all-encompassing compassion, of an embrace that they never thought they deserved.

In a world telling them that they do not deserve to exist –

Such love will mean everything.

Don’t turn a blind eye towards someone’s wounds – their weaknesses, their shortcomings, their mistakes.

Be that bandage that covers it. Be that ointment that heals it.

We, as humans, are never in the position to judge anyone else –

We simply do not – or cannot – KNOW enough, and must rely on flawed “expectations” and “assumptions”.

But – though we are not in the position to judge –

We are always in the position to love.

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