Friday, March 07, 2008

With what rod do you judge success...

With what rod do you judge success? ...
So many people travel life's road... must it always be the same old story ..................................
same old people... same old story...
what's the point ? ...

Is there really a way out when the sky crashes down upon you?
When the weight of life is more than you can possibly imagine? ...
When "success" is simply a stylized ... thing ...
What ..... sense is in that ...............................?....

What about the unfortunate?... What about those born in abject situations? conditions? Who had to work their freaking a** out for subsistence?

Did those guys have the time, the resources to develop those "wide-varying interests"?
Did they have the information, to consider various life-options?

I know it's the obvious, but life is unfair.

Some people are just born to be those "successful" people. (or at least in the biased way in which that rod is decided) Think about the conditions they were born in: perfect; just perfect. It'd be a wonder if they didn't succeed in its usual sense - they have the socioeconomic, cultural background; perhaps more importantly, they have the character, which again, in my view, is but a run-off from a balanced, filtered, cultural and family environment, and ... genetics of course. In my view at least, a vast amount of a person's character, personality are genetically determined. In fact, even they weren't, that wouldn't matter a bit. My point is, that what makes us up as a "such-and-such person" is largely determined by external forces.

People may parade, so-and-so is a "successful person", yadda-yadda, but do they realise, that those people themselves, as an autonomous human being, have contributed to oh so little to who they are? That, put it simply, they simply came to be.... so many of the crucial factors of our lives are decided before we're even conceived... and they're further added on, ever-present... as we grow up, shaping us into who we become.

Under such case, where does success truly belong? When that very successful individual is but a product of some inevitable "successful-individual-manufacturing-environment?"

Seriously, what value is in that? What merit is present in such "success"?

When I see those people, read about, hear about those people, .... I donno... somewhere deep in my soul... I feel an emptiness.... is this all human life is about?

The "unsuccessful" are further denied opportunities....

That seperation continues ...

Would they ever know.... that that labourer working 17 hours a day... has in his heart, a true and deep love for mankind?
Would they ever know.... that that child wandering the streets... has in his brain, the cure for cancer?
Would they ever know.... that that nobody in the middle of nowhere, has the capacity to lead and move humanity forward? Provide new and valuable insights?

Would they ever know.... the deepest sorrows, desires, anguishes, pains of these people,
placed upon them by an unforgiving environment..... that some of the emotions they feel, are as real as it gets; that... so often... well... in them is so much potential...... as HUMAN BEINGS, as people with free will, as a person.... in the truest, and fullest sense of that word...

When we think of a person,
Let us strip away all those external things over which they had no control,
Let us forget about that...
And look at them for who they are
Who they really are as a person

And decide whether they're successful or not - if such a term is ever appropriate in judging the identity of a whole person.

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