“I’m not sure I can do this.”
He hesitated.
Kash’ir looked him straight in the eye. Into those trembling, wavering pupils.
I believe you can.
There was no hesitancy. There was no wavering. Kash’ir’s eyes pierced through Bash’ir.
The air was still. Tranquil.
Before anyone can believe in you –
You must believe in yourself.
I know you can do it. You’re a beautiful person. Do you know how much I care about you? You might think you’re walking through this world all alone. You’re not. I know how it feels. I most certainly do. You might think no one understands you. I do, I do, I do. Watching you, so painfully reminds me of my youth. I was once going through the very same things as you. I know how it feels, trust me.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. That very step is only possible when one believes in it.
I’m asking you to believe in yourself.
I’m not asking you to be someone else. Why should you? You’re such a beautiful, wonderful, person as who you are. But please don’t trample on yourself. Please don’t quash yourself. Please don’t be so harsh on yourself. Of all things, please don’t limit who you are. What you think is “you” is surprisingly only a small part of you! I want you to be all that you can be. All that you were created to be. All that you were placed on this world to be. I want you to realise this. I want you to discover parts of yourself that you yourself have denied.
For so much of who we are is who we believe ourselves to be.